Friday, 22 November 2013

News and Feature Pages

I wanted to know the difference between a news and feature page in magazine because I hope I haven't Analysed a news article instead of feature in NME. This is because believe it or not it takes a large amount of time to evaluate the mediums.

NEWS                                            FEATURES/ DOCUMENTARIES
Telling                                            Seeing (inc "word pictures" on radio)
Brief/Summary                               Lengthy/ detailed
Aimed at whole audience             Aimed a "niche" sections of the readership
Length varies (importance)            Length fixed by editorial structure/TV radio /news agenda
Defined styles                                Many styles/ generic types
Pictures useful                               Pictures essential/ graphics
Published instantly                        Published according to schedule
Done by staff reporters                  Done by production staff/ freelancers
Event-led ("the news agenda")       Production-led (fitting schedule/structure of mag/newspaper

I will have to analyse the  feature page in Kerrang! and see the real differences.