Friday, 9 May 2014

Final pages

The album will not actually be at this opacity its just to show what it will look like.  

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Mock-up of double feature page

So due to the fact that I have not done a mind map for this page I have created these in the columns I will obtain an interview with a real member as the images are of actors not the real band.

Front Cover Draft

Without free CD.

Mock up of Contents Page

I need 2 more photos and I want to look deeper into the conventions of language before I write the plugs and teasers.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Planning contents

So I have decided that this technique of brainstorming is not quick enough and considering my deadline is in less than 2 days I need to get a move on. Therefore my new technique is uploading mock-ups of my ideas. 

Monday, 5 May 2014

Front Page Mock-Up

I will need to obtain images with a free screen and SLR camera this week

Planning front page

The conventions the images on the front page are are bands with serious but relaxed body language and facial expressions. Due to the genre I have chosen I will ask all my models or actors to wear black indie styled clothes because the colour black is iconic to the rock and punk genre which will be combined from my research kerrang!, NME and Total guitar. I will challenge the conventional use of props as unlike kerrang! which uses a megaphone and Total Guitar which has several guitars my product like NME will have no props. I will adapt the use of graphics from NME which uses arrows for text box like Franz Ferdinand free CD's brand and the circles in the background of kerrang as I used paint spatters from Conquer the Decade (the free cd in my product) to use synergy as these will be both in the background and used as a text box. Using synergy is convebtional for example Total guitar use the actual background of the magazine where the cd was placed maintaining both the brand of the magazine and cd as both were promoting the band Avenged Sevenfold. Barcodes and publishers logo are also essential for magazines but I will adapt the logo slightly by using the synonym of future; ultimate and copy the San serif font with a smooth edged square for a text box which will be purple to connote royalty and imply high and ultimate standards.  
I will also challenge the colour scheme of using yellow and red which for some strange reason both NME and kerrang! did. Thus I will be origanal and use light blue and orange. 
I will combine the language of all my reaseaevh for the masthead as I all if their genres are in my hybrid for example NME is indie pop, Kerrang! is pop-punk and Total guitar is rock. My masthead will therefore be ABM which will stand for absolutely booming media because absolute is a synonym for totaland absolute is a rock radio station as well, so I will be able to use synergy, NME is an ancronym for new musical express and kerrang! is onamatopia like boom which is also a pop festival so I will be able to use synergy.  I will also utilised the conventional repeatition of words about the free CD in my products issue ensuring I use synergy for example NME and total guitar repeats the words Bands name 3 times on the front cover but I just did so 2 times in order to emphasise the excitement about the merchandise but intrigue  the readers with creativity at the same time. I will use convebtional plugs and teasers throughout both my front and contents page. 
I combined conventions of layout I will have mid-shots of the band conquer the decade from NME, this main feature will have is teaser and plug on top like kerrang!s "sleeping with sirens" "here to wake up your town" I will just adapt it to suit my band "conquer the decade" "has Brocken records this year". Furthermore, I will develop puffs such as revealed to get the inside scoop to make it more creative. I also copied the use of connectives to reinforce the added value in the music magazine. Moreover I will include the use of a pull out poster from green day in kerrang but moved the positioning of it under the cd aligned to the right at the bottom like Total guitar. (The poster will be a copy right free image from google). 
Font I will use a strong bold and big San serif font like kerrang! and NME for the masthead and smaller fonts for the connectives, teasers, plugs and puffs but still capitals like the masthead. However to convey the importance of the main feature I will subvert this convention by using the serif font used in the digipak to create synergy.